WBE Certifications
Connecticut Department of Administrative Services
Clean Slate Environmental, Inc. became certified as a Women Owned Small/Minority Business Enterprise on February 27, 2007. This certification expires on May 14, 2026. Clean Slate is certified for the following goods and services: Environmental Services, Hazardous Waste Removal, Analytical Lab Services Testing of Roadway Construction Debris, Contaminated Soil Recycling Services, Air Quality Testing and Monitoring Services, Asbestos Abatement Testing and Removal Services, Lighting Waste Recyclables, Site Specific Remediation Projects, Analytical and/or Laboratory Services Non-Medical, Rental/Leases of Trailers and Trucks.
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Clean Slate Environmental, Inc. became certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise as of March 29, 2006 for NAICS 484220 and 541620. This certification expires on April 1, 2013. The CTDOT has listed Clean Slate's eligibility on their website which can be found at www.ct.gov/dot. Please click on the link below to obtain a copy of this certification.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
On May 11, 2006, Clean Slate Environmental was certified with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance Program.
Woman Business Enterprise Certification: Clean Slate is certified to perform Health and Safety Plans; Air Monitoring; Facilitation of Transportation and Disposal for Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste; Soil and Groundwater Sampling; and Waste Consulting. Clean Slate will be listed in the SOMWBA Directory. This certification expires on May 11, 2010. Please click on the link below for a copy of this certification.
Disadvantage Business Enterprise: Clean Slate is certified with MHD, MBTA, MassPort, MTA/CA/T and MAC to perform economic activity identified as NAICS Code 541620 with the certified business description for Health and Safety Plans; Air Monitoring; Facilitation of Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste; Soil and Groundwater Sampling; and Waste Consulting. Clean Slate will be listed in the Massachusetts Central Register. This certification expires on May 11, 2010. Please click on the link below for a copy of this certification.
City of Hartford
The City of Hartford approved Clean Slate as a Women Business Enterprise on January 31, 2007. Clean Slate has been certified for Environmental Services, Transportation and Disposal of Contaminated Materials, Health and Safety, Air Monitoring, Waste Consulting and Environmental Testing. This certification expires on August 17, 2025. Please click on the link below for a copy of the certification.